Family Planning

Family planning

The modern woman, with the right information and guidance, can have control over the number of children she will give birth, as well as the time period of her life that she will become a mother.

After the gynecological  examination and hormonal testing , watching her cycle, we can give advice and indicate the fertile days. Depending on her age and medical history, we recommend different contraceptive methods to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

The easiest, safest, most economical and most common way of contraception is the male condom. Its great advantage is also the fact that it protects against inflammation and sexually transmitted diseases.

Other methods of blocking are the female condom, the diaphragm that is more difficult to insert, the sponge and spermicides in gel, foam and suppository form which are not as effective. These methods are not widespread in our country.

There are many types of birth control pills, some with a fixed dose of estrogen and progesterone in each pill, others with a low fixed dose, others with a different composition in each pill to mimic the female cycle, some have only progesterone. We always personalize the contraceptive that we will administer. We take one pill every night at about the same time, usually for 21 days, then we stop for 1 week (then the period comes) and after that we start over again with the next box.

In recent years we can find in the pharmacy stores the contraceptive ring in Greece as well, which is easy to place in the vagina ,by the woman herself on the 1st day of menstruation and it is removed again on the 21st day. It does not make uncomfortable either the woman or her sexual partner, it is just as effective as the pills, it has a local effect on the pelvis and so it does not have the restrictions of the pills, where hormones circulate throughout the body and finally the stress of forgetting to take the pill does not exist!

IntraUterine Devices implantation is a safe method of contraception that I recommend to women who have completed their family planning, (they have had the number of children they desire). It is a minimally invasive procedure that is easily performed in our office, usually at the end of the period. IUD’s of 3 years and 5 years are available in our country (must be changed in 3 and 5 years respectively) of copper or progesterone.  According your medical history and needs we decide witch IUD we will use.

The most efficient and  permanent way of contraception is the ligation (tying) of the fallopian tubes, also known as sterilization. In case of cesarean delivery, it is easily done during the caesarean section. When a woman has given birth normally, it can be done laparoscopically .

The Natural methods of contraception are:

Breastfeeding, when the woman is exclusively breastfeeding, for a period of time that we can not predetermine, she does not ovulate, does not have a period and can’t get pregnant.

Interrupted intercourse during which the erotic partner must have very good control of ejaculation.

The rhythm method , when we avoid contact on fertile days or only then use some other contraceptive method.

The failure rate of these methods is high!

Emergency contraception or morning after pill  : It is an hormone in a high dose that prevents ovulation and the installation of the fertilized egg, making the environment of the uterus hostile. It should be taken within  3 days (postinor-norlevo ) or  5 days (ellaOne) after unprotected sex or failure of other contraceptive method, in order to be effective. You should not use the morning after pill as contraception method, since regular use is harmful for the body. Also It is not an abortion pill, so if you are already pregnant it will not help you to miscarry.

IUD placement by our doctor after unprotected intercourse is also a method of emergency contraception, witch could left in place for  future protection.